Urinary incontinence or the involuntary leaking of urine, a condition that affects more women than men, doesn’t need to be a permanent women’s problem. In fact, the treatment for female urinary incontinence is very promising. Due to medical advances, female urinary incontinence can become a problem of the past, so new mothers can focus on their newborns instead of worrying about bladder control. A groundbreaking, modern approach that is gaining momentum not only in the field of aesthetic medicine but also in obstetrics and gynecology is called Platelet Rich Plasma therapy.
Before we explore this revolutionary treatment for urinary incontinence in mothers, it is worth noting that twice as many women than men struggle with incontinence, according to the Office on Women’s Health. And why is that? Pregnancy and childbirth, especially having multiple children, cause the pelvic floor muscles that support the urinary tract to become weaker, and sometimes they may even become damaged. According to the Office on Women’s Health, about 40% of women experience urinary incontinence at some point during their pregnancy. During pregnancy, the combination of hormones and the constant pressure of the fetus on the bladder causes the pelvic floor muscles that support the bladder, bowel, and uterus to stretch considerably in order to facilitate the baby’s descent through the birth canal. This continuous stretching of the pelvic floor muscles causes new mothers to leak urine accidentally, especially when sneezing, coughing, laughing, or exercising. This type of urinary incontinence, known as stress incontinence, is the most common type. There is also urge incontinence or overactive bladder that causes a sudden urge to urinate, which results in frequent visits to the bathroom even when the bladder isn’t full.
During postpartum recovery, commonly referred to as the fourth trimester, urinary incontinence is expected and even normal during the first six weeks after childbirth. Labor and vaginal birth may contribute to loss of bladder control for many women. The body needs enough time to heal itself, especially if there are vaginal tears. Most women have trouble talking about this issue even though it’s a common postpartum symptom. Although it may go away for some women by simply performing Kegel exercises, that is not always the case for many new mothers. However, treatment for female urinary incontinence, especially for stress incontinence, doesn’t need to involve medication or surgery. Platelet Rich Plasma treatment may be just the solution.
In recent years, scientists have discovered that the human body is capable of repairing tissue and organs. Platelet Rich Plasma or PRP Therapy is a state-of-the-art, innovative type of regenerative medicine that utilizes our body’s healing abilities by extracting plasma from our own blood to promote natural healing and skin renewal. Plasma contains platelets that assist in blood clotting as well as healing. In other words, it is a solution for skin rejuvenation. That is why PRP therapy is a revolutionary approach that is used in cosmetic medicine not only to manage signs of aging by reducing fine lines and wrinkles but also to improve scarring, stimulate skin recovery after plastic surgery as well as enhance hair restoration.
Due to its immense success in the aesthetic field, the benefits don’t stop there. PRP therapy has shown positive outcomes for women who suffer from urinary incontinence, especially stress incontinence, although it has also been beneficial in reducing the symptoms of urge incontinence. Not only is PRP therapy safe, but it also doesn’t require surgery or drugs because it is all-natural. PRP is simply injected into the part of the vagina that is near the urethra. The plasma that is injected into the damaged tissue immediately activates the healing process by strengthening the surrounding tissue, which, as a result, reduces the unpleasant symptoms of stress incontinence. In addition, PRP injections also restore the body’s natural collagen and tighten the vagina, which improves bladder control. It takes about four weeks after the injections for the results to be noticeable. This procedure is shown to be effective in managing incontinence for years and is not as invasive as surgery since it doesn’t require anesthesia. PRP injections may need to be administered more than once depending on the severity of symptoms in order to regenerate the damaged tissue wall; however, because the procedure is safe, the complication rates are relatively low, and there is no risk of allergic reactions or rejection.
Of all the responsibilities that come with becoming a new mother and the considerable postpartum complications that new mothers are more likely to struggle with, such as postpartum depression, sleep deprivation, or breastfeeding difficulties, urinary incontinence shouldn’t be one of them. PRP therapy can help make life easier without disrupting the joys of parenthood. After all, when a doctor asks about the number of wet diapers per day, you should only be thinking about your baby and not yourself.