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PRP – Your Solution to Urinary Frequency and Incontinence

  • February 17, 2021
PRP – Your Solution to Urinary Frequency and Incontinence

Urinary incontinence is a common condition affecting women of all ages, mainly due to the sensitivity of the female genital organs to changes occurring in the body, specifically of hormonal nature, such as pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), as many as 30% of premenopausal women and 60% of postmenopausal women suffer from the condition.

Urinary frequency and incontinence is the voluntary leakage of urine that may lead to complete or partial emptying of the bladder. The disorder results from the weakening of the pelvic floor muscles, the so-called Kegel, decreasing the angle of the urethra and, consequently, increasing the likelihood of unconscious urine discharge.


We can distinguish three types of Urinary Incontinence

Stress urinary incontinence results from a disturbed urethral sphincter mechanism. The discomfort occurs when performing activities that lead to increased pressure in the abdomen, such as coughing, exercising, or sneezing. According to studies, stress urinary incontinence accounts for nearly half of all cases. This embarrassing ailment is much more common among women than men, and the risk increases with age. And while age is often the culprit, stress incontinence may also affect younger patients.

Urge incontinence, commonly known as overactive bladder, results from increased activity of the bladder detrusor muscle or decreased bladder stretchability, manifested by the sudden and unrestrained urge to urinate. Urinary frequency affects both men and women of all ages, and the overwhelming urge to urinate can highly interfere with social and professional life.

Mixed urinary incontinence is characterized by involuntary leakage of urine with a feeling of sudden urge, which may be triggered by sudden exertion, sneezing, or coughing. The condition is a combination of the above two types of urinary frequency and incontinence.


Causes of Urinary Frequency and Incontinence in Women

Pregnancy and birth cause various changes in the woman’s body that may remain long after delivery. During childbirth, the muscles and ligaments supporting the lower urogenital system become relaxed and flabby. Women who have given birth repeatedly or delivered a relatively larger child are particularly vulnerable, causing stress in the perineum and even muscle damage.

Age is another factor that may contribute to developing the condition as the risk of urinary incontinence increases as we get older, doubling in women during and after menopause. During this time, the estrogen levels drop significantly, leading to unfavorable changes in the genitourinary organs, including the narrowing of the urethra and its shortening. The bladder’s walls and detrusor muscle are also weakened, resulting in the impairment of the urinary continence mechanism.

Obesity, chronic urinary tract infections, constipation, neurological diseases, diabetes, or surgical procedures can also contribute to the development of urinary disorders.


Platelet-Rich Plasma – Your Natural Regeneration

The human body has an excellent ability to self-regenerate damaged cells. Treatments performed at New You Chicago utilize the body’s regenerative potential to rebuild the lost or changed tissues. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) rejuvenates and firms the skin, improves its blood supply, stimulates the body to revitalize skin cells, hair, or intimate areas.

By implementing our signature PRP techniques, the female body reinvigorates, allowing you to forget about problems related to vaginal dryness or urinary incontinence. As a bonus, you will experience enhanced sensitivity to touch! Most importantly, PRP treatments are performed using natural plasma taken from the patient’s own blood, minimizing the risk of intolerance to the solution and effectively nourishing and stimulating cell renewal.

The treatment of urinary incontinence with platelet-rich plasma is based on releasing cell growth factors in your blood platelets. The administration of plasma results in the reconstruction and multiplication of new cells that build tissues, improve blood supply to the skin and genital areas, and boost collagen structures. Ultimately, the treatment promotes the hydration, firmness, and tightness of the intimate parts of your body.


PRP At New You Chicago

PRP therapy is the innovative and organic approach to treat various human conditions ranging from aesthetic concerns to medical issues. Material isolated from the patient’s blood contains the highest possible concentrations of platelets, and there are over two million of them in one microliter of blood! At New You, we offer smaller and larger vials, depending on your unique needs and expectations, making the treatment one of the most affordable options. The effects of PRP therapy are durable and provide spectacular results, allowing you to lead a healthy, happy, and wholehearted life without constantly worrying about running to the bathroom.


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