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Microdermabrasion: Everything You Need To Know

  • July 24, 2020
Microdermabrasion: Everything You Need To Know

As much as we don’t want to say goodbye to summer just yet, fall is discreetly stepping into the “around the corner” zone. And with fall knocking gently on our doors, we can begin to make appropriate plans for the season, such as post-summer ultimate skin rejuvenation to refresh and recharge. One of the widely available and minimally invasive procedures is called microdermabrasion, which might soon become your skin’s new best friend.

What is microdermabrasion?

Microdermabrasion is an aesthetic procedure that uses a mildly abrasive, diamond tipped instrument to gently sand the outer layers of epidermis. This simple, yet extremely effective, beauty treatment provides a multitude of amazing benefits:

  • Oxygenates and nourishes the skin;
  • Enhances the absorption of active ingredients in cosmetics;
  • Improves skin color and elasticity;
  • Reduces the visibility of fine lines and shallow wrinkles;
  • Reduces the visibility of discoloration and scars;
  • Cleans and unclogs pores;
  • Removes blackheads and reduces acne symptoms;
  • Stimulates the skin to produce collagen;
  • Improves blood circulation in the skin.

Who will benefit from Microdermabrasion?

According to a medically reviewed article by healthline, microdermabrasion is a procedure that is safe to perform on all skin types and colors. However, some contraindications for this pain free treatment include an active skin infection or recent use of specific medications and ointments, such as Tretinoin. Pregnancy and nursing is not a contraindication, therefore expecting and breastfeeding women may have microdermabrasion.

People suffering from sun damage or photoaging may benefit from microdermabrasion. Natural aging is a factor contributing to the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles – an unavoidable part of the aging process. Microdermabrasion might help minimize the appearance of such inevitable expression lines, so you can continue to live, laugh, frown, and express yourself in any other form possible. 

Microdermabrasion will not be effective on active breakouts; it may even worsen the symptoms of an infection. However, the pilot study was performed in order to evaluate the use of microdermabrasion in patients with acne, which showed optimistic results when performed at weekly intervals.

Another study evaluated the effectiveness of microdermabrasion in patients with atrophic (indented) acne scars, which also shows promising results for those affected by scarring and uneven skin tone. 

Finding the right practitioner

Because microdermabrasion is widely used and performed by many, it is extremely important to find the right and safe place for such aesthetic procedures. A practitioner with years of experience, professionalism, and highly trained staff is your best bet. Despite being a simple procedure, microdermabrasion does require the knowledge of many dermatological conditions that will be promptly recognized and addressed with caution. 


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